Our Services.

Yacht on the water surface from top view.
Man stading at the side of the deck of a yacht holding the jib while looking at the sunset

come on board!

You will be surprised how good it already feels to start being/doing

Get your invite to join the “crew” of other happy clients

In short – This gives you an understanding of what to expect:

Consult Welcome on board!

Get familiar with your ship and find out:
What type of sail trip would be the best solution for you?
Would a 1-day cruise be a good start? Or is there more?

1 Day cruise Your session
(reserve 2 hours undivided time)

Of course, you can enjoy extended trips (starting with 30 days, 3, 6, 9 months) all depending on the presenting issue/issues.
These extended trips are available to you, customized to your specific needs, and support your goals and progress.
View from the left side of a wooden boat towards the ocean on a sunny day

1  full Day's-turn
Welcome on deck and get “hands on”

Your session with Rapid Transformational Therapy
(RTT) / Deep … (DRT) incl. your personal audio and coaching support for the following 30 days. Of course, you can enjoy extended trips (starting with 30 days, 3, 6, 9 months) all depending on the presenting issue/issues. These extended trips are available to you, customized to your specific needs, and support your goals and progress.
View from the cockpit of a yacht towards the ocean, a mountain and sunset

Deep Transformation Relaxation through Hypnotherapy

RTT / DRT are just a couple of the methods to draw out ‘unfinished business’ , meaning, it is a technique for addressing the trauma and beliefs that you have been holding onto for many years and finally being able to let go. How amazing would it be taking back your power and the ships-wheel of life with both hands, leaving the harbour and feeling exited to explore new destinations and shores, finding and achieving your goals? It is possible! It’s an excellent choice!! Ready? What a question? Let’s go and leave some now unwanted baggage behind! Starting with: Stop smoking, fear of flying, panic attacks, exams, sales, losing weight and keeping it off, migraines, grief – just to name a few for a days sail-turn. Other presenting concerns for example: Burnout, depression, PTSD, trauma, alcohol / drug dependency will take a bit longer to navigate these stormy seas, but you will love the outcome that you will have accomplished for yourself! This is where I will support you with Coaching to help define your location and navigate the sandbanks and deep-waters of life. Deep Relaxation Therapy / RTT are new innovative tools to get lasting results and in a shorter time frame. These methods get to the root cause of why a person may feel stuck in patterns, feelings and situations. This powerful therapy combines several very effective proven techniques used in psychology, to bring out the best in you, permanently!

Let’s get YOU on deck and set YOUR course:
  • Find YOUR true North
  • Reclaim YOUR map and destination
  • Hold the course, it’s YOUR journey
Your Personal Goals And Successful Journey Is Always As Unique As You Are!

we have trained therapists that can help solve problems and disorders

With our wide range of specialties, we can help anyone facing different mental health issues. We have a range of services to offer to our clients. These include: – Unique therapeutic services – Mental health counseling services – Online counseling – Deep relaxation therapy sessions – Overall life help – Therapy classes. We create tailored plans based on each client’s needs.